The Fire Answering God

Elijah knew the one true God,
The Lord Supreme and Great.
When false prophets backed other gods,
He called for a battle of faith.
A Bullock each for ‘they’ and I
Placed on a wood with no fire beneath.
Call on your god and so will I
Let Him be God, who answers by fire.
Baal’s prophets called, from morning to noon,
No god did heed their cry.
‘Maybe he sleeps’, Elijah booed
Try aloud, he might be nearby
The people saw those men as fools
No god had answered back at all.
Now twas time for Elijah’s call
He drenched his bull in excess pool
Prayed, O Lord let it be known
That you are God, and God alone.
Then Fire fell, and consumed all
Both bull, and wood, fire consumed.
Note: The above poetry is deduced from the account of Elijah and the prophets of Baal recorded in 1 Kings 18.