The Copyeditor’s dilemma

I love what I do, so much. So much so, that it’s eaten deep into my subconscious.
I find myself unconsciously overturning the tiniest details, to make them sound even better.
A transactional blessing, and means of livelihood. A learning train and aid to fine-tune and make flawless an already made work of art.
I think one of my biggest dilemmas in the drive, is encountering errors that have to be modified but yet must be done through a systemic balance between preserving the author’s voice and ensuring the text communicates effectively to its audience.
I love what I do, but what I love even more is when fictional copies are magically brought to life😁
This is me yearning to copyedit more fictional works and openly welcoming more fiction copies than the SEO, academic, or religious copies I edit. (PS: I do not reject any other forms of copies, in fact, I’d be happy to copy-edit/proofread any form of writing you submit. )

I promise, I work well with writers, and brands, plus, my rates are quite affordable.
At the end of this post, I’d simply post my portfolio and see if I get any takers. (You can check through the few copyedit samples I uploaded).
Maybe give my portfolio a look? 🤗🥺
If you’re looking to make your work more polished and refined,
If you are self-publishing and desire to post a flawless product description…
Then I’m that girl you need!
You can send an email💌 to discuss my rates:
Thanks for reading besties!❤️