Self Awareness
Inspired by Pastor Sam🤗

Oh yes baby!
Well, this goes past how much you love what color, or what food you love best. Self-awareness is something I figured out rather late than early in life, reasonably I won’t call it so late, yet I consider it so as I only began to figure out my individuality because someone else understood me better than I did myself. And this is highly unrecommended. If I were to ask you personal questions regarding your strengths and weaknesses, what would be your response? What if the question was simply about your perception of who you are?
Dear reader, the world is too VUCA to be lived in nonchalance. This volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world leaves no assurance as to what is next and what to hope for. Rather than live on instincts, reaction or move with the mob, I believe in a life of vision and wisdom. A vision that goes way beyond survival to significance and importance. One beyond how to cope but majorly interested in what to offer. This said vision helps program your focused mind on the goal and how to narrow down the path of actualization. Take for instance a man who from childhood is a visioneer, all talent he possesses would be driven towards his pictured life. Many individuals are slowed down on the journey to purpose due to lack of clarity and self-awareness. A lot of people notice passion and talents in themselves from a young age, some see the need to grow their seeds into blossom plants yielding flowers while others act negligently in the moment without considering sharpening the edges of these abilities. Sadly, they lose them due to a lack of diligence. My point exactly is that accumulated neglect has over time caused more damage to lives. Generally speaking, nothing just wakes up one morning and stops working. It takes a gradual pace of neglect for damages to occur. Nothing dies in a day, things die daily. This also applies to failed marriages, friendships, relationships, and businesses. People fail daily by not fixing things needed to be sorted out immediately and get shocked that they wake up one day and everything is gone. We must understand that there are repercussions to all stands in life. Our actions and inactions have consequences. These results are inevitable.
The quality of life you’ve lived would be tested by the quality of decisions you’ve made in due time and you’d be the man responsible.
Do you possess a conscious knowledge of your character, feelings, strength, weakness, motives, and desires? If not, it’s time to pick up a mirror and blend the errors in your makeup.