. And then after his benediction ordered he that I be dropped 6ft below
. “From dust we came to dust we return fellows”
. Looking from a distance, searching the minds of every friend and foe
. I had brought myself into seeing the truth that inspiring lives should be every man’s goal
. I had lived life like there wasn't going to be a tomorrow
. Played by the rules and followed every status quo
. I still had more to do,better places I yearned to go
. It was certain if given the chance to pick I would choose to live and live again giving death a NO!
. Their attire did manifest the sadness of the day
. Nothing hurt more than her tears, Mama’s painful tears broke my immortal soul
. How I couldnt touch, couldn’t wipe her tears, couldn’t reassure her that we’d meet again
. Now I watched the coffin getting laid, covered in with flowers..oh my! what on earth did I gain?
. Stared in awe as each loved one heaped a handful of sand on meh!
. Beside Ma was Tade the one I was to be forever knotted to in a week
. Despite his cries I could still hear his words “Oh Baby how in the world would you leave so soon”
. My vain body was gone, what good could it serve me now.
. Stared a lot at Mama had to look away
. All the pain, all the hurt, in vain was all she did to make me stay
. My best friend wasn’t on sight, I began to wonder why she was not
. Do the dead feel pain too? cause right now I was hurt.