Ajayi Joy (Oyiza)
4 min readJul 6, 2022


‘Health is Wealth’, a common proverb that indicates that a man’s state of well-being is tantamount to having wealth is neither a lie nor an exaggeration. Like Publius Maro’s saying, ‘The Greatest Wealth is Health’. For the majority of us, ‘wealth’ means the presence of affluence and riches; jewelry, land, and assets. But this limits the true definition of wealth if we look beyond the limited interpretation. Consider good health as a pathway to success in all works of life. Health is a means to better living. A man cannot enjoy his wealth if he can’t enjoy his health. Mahatma Gandhi also said, “It is health which is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver.” Only a sick man knows the value placed on good health. Health is the state of being free from illness or injury. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of illness and infirmity. Good health permits one to appreciate and savour life’s moments without inconveniences. This is the main rationale for taking proper care of our health. It has to become a priority. A lot of factors play roles in living a healthy life.

These care for one’s health can be done when we eat healthy, keep an up to date immunization, exercise more often, constantly drink loads of water, observe proper sleep, take food supplement when you should, stay aware of your emotions and moods and observe constant intake of fruits and vegetables.

At least nine different families of fruits and vegetables exist, each with potentially hundreds of different compounds and are beneficial to the health. By taking healthy food choices, some conditions can be prevented. We know from plenty of other research that eating more of fruits and vegetables is good for the health. Eating vegetables provides you with lots of benefits and this article today would centre on the Moringa plant. More light is shed on moringa as a shrub and tree with multipurpose uses either as fresh leave or dried and grounded.

What is Moringa?

Everyone seems to think they know about this plant until they are faced with this simple straightforward question, ‘what is moringa?’. I have memories on how my Mother would include its leaves in our vegetables. Our beverage was not left out, it was never the usual, mainly moringa tea. In fact she had the powdered state of Moringa which she happily adds to her soup. She would always emphasise on its usefulness to the body and why we should make eating it a habit. And so I can of a truth attest that Moringa which is a natural widely cultivated plant embedded with medicinal properties and distinct nutrients is of great benefit to the body.

Benefits of Moringa

Moringa is that plant in which every part of itself is useful to mankind. It’s root, seed, leaf and pod all have effective uses. The leaf can be boiled or eaten like normal vegetable. The leaf can also be dried into powdered state and used for tea or added to meals.

Extracts gotten from Moringa are also helpful in treating certain medical conditions. For instance stomach conditions like constipation and gastritis. I can attest to this because I have benefited from it’s intake. There are certain antibiotic and antibacterial properties of moringa that help with this. It is also high in vitamins that aid digestion. For instance, it is high in vitamin B content that boosts digestion. It has many other important vitamins and minerals. I once read up that its leaves have more vitamin C than oranges, it’s leaves have more vitamin A than in carrots, has more protein than in yoghurt and possess more potassium than bananas. Calcium, protein, iron and amino acids that help and build muscles are also very much evident in this plant.

Several research works have cited how moringa offers these numerous advantages: For blood circulation, to reduce blood pressure, regularize blood sugar and cleanse toxins out of the body. It is often advised to drink the boiled extracts from Moringa leaves constantly.

Interesting facts about Moringa

  • It might come as an astonishing surprise to know that Moringa leaves contain nutrients than most prominent food sources. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. There are also no side effects to the much consumption of moringa leaf.
  • Moringa is that one plant that is called differently in distinct places. Imagine speaking about Moringa and someone else is talking about drumstick tree or Lemunggai and you’re in awe cause you think the similarities are so strong whereas it’s same plant being talked about.
  • Never heard about such a multipurpose plant. It is such a versatile plant as its parts are useful in so many ways. It’s pods, leaves, root, flowers, bark, fruit etc.
  • Ever heard of how amazing Moringa is to the skin? It’s oil is an anti ageing property. It helps the skin glow up naturally and also serve as a purifier. It plays a major content role in removing acne, blackheads, and dark spots.
  • Every part of Moringa is said to be edible. If you’re thinking about a healthy plant to nibble on, how about to take some bite into a moringa root today?
  • Another amazing fact is that this versatile plant boosts hair growth. Yes, you read that correctly. It boosts hair growth! Moringa has certain vitamins and minerals that promotes hair growth and health. For your dry hair and scalp you can definitely benefit from its oil by massaging the oil into your scalp to moisturize it. Don’t just read on the miracles of moringa, be a beneficiary today!
Ajayi Joy (Oyiza)
Ajayi Joy (Oyiza)

Written by Ajayi Joy (Oyiza)

Writer||CopyEditor&Proofreader||Poet ✨I’m a world of creativity💫

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