How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! – Isaiah 14:12
From the abyss of hell operates the dethroned son of the morning.
Your perfection was close, closer was your fall.
Pride the center of your strive.
Jealousy the realm of your connive.
Hurled down from grace like a thunderbolt into matter detained.
Now man is brought low because thy sin reigned.
From the abyss of hell emits deception, death and darkness.
Leaves the heavens which is no longer his and now the earth becomes a fortress.
The light he possesses is the darkened light of a fallen star.
Thou contrast the real bright and morning star, oh Lucifer
Conquered he hades and death to shame all you think you acquire.
And now has Man found redemption from the true Messiah.