Create Impact, Not Greater Consequences

I read an article today that spoke on the relevance of impact but even more important is addressing the root cause of the problems faced through a sustainable approach.
Imagine volunteering for beach clean-ups every week.
Great right?
One might even call it giving back to society, In fact you might feel good about yourself, volunteering for a good cause…‘Protecting the environment’.
But have you considered that the root cause of littering should be addressed?
If the mindset of people isn’t changed then there is going to always be a problem. A sustainable approach or solution in this case would make your impact relevant.

I read of the charity parachute jumps that were popular in the United Kingdom in the 1990s. A study of 1,500 jumps documented that they raised £45,000 for charity, but the resulting injuries cost the UK health system £610,000 – or more than £13 worth of societal loss for every £1 raised.
You will agree with me that the above volunteers could have done something else – ENTIRELY!
When trying to understand ‘impact’, what matters is how well you have improved the outcome that are important to society.
Good intentions are not enough. When given the chance to create impact, maximize it by creating sustainable solutions.